Bank National Association, not in its individualcapacity but solely as trusteefor the RMAC Trust, Series2016-CTT, PlaintiffAGAINSTJohn Ruiz; Rosa Ruiza/k/a Rosa M. Ruiz; et al.,Defendant(s)Pursuant to a Judgmentof Foreclosure and Sale dulydated November 20, 2018I, the undersigned Refereewill sell at public auctionat the Babylon Town Hall,200 East Sunrise Highway,North Lindenhurst, NewYork on May 15, 2019 at2:15PM, premises known as21 Holt Street, Amityville,NY 11701. Thinking about Vision and Mission of {titile domain} OR Why you need it? 90 Followers, 35 Following, 194 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Peter Pellegrino (@pellegrino.peter) BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR ASSET-BACKEDPASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-NC2,Plaintiff AGAINSTLIZA JACKSON, et al.,Defendant(s)Pursuant to a Judgment ofForeclosure and Sale dulydated February 22, 2018 I,the undersigned Refereewill sell at public auctionat the Babylon Town Hall,200 East Sunrise Highway,North Lindenhurst, NY11757, on May 03, 2019 at8:45AM, premises knownas 38 CEDAR ROAD, AMITYVILLE, NY 11701. Recently, The Ashley has become obsessed with the show Kitchen Nightmares. Well deserved praise, The Ashley.I have been curious about the show and the other sites arent nearly as informative,and your right, as I have been to a few they are closed! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. AS TRUSTEE FORTHE HOLDERS OF THEMERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS TRUSTMORTGAGELOANASSETBACKED CERTIFICATESSERIES 2006-WMC1,V.CHRISTINE PELLEGRINOA/K/A CHRISTINA PELLEGRINO A/K/A CHRISPELLEGRINO A/K/A TINAPELLEGRINO, ET. Genovese Family Captain RALPH BALSAMO and Soldier MICHAEL MESSINA pled guilty before Judge Koeltl on February 9 and are scheduled to be sentenced by him on June 28, 2023. Obituary. Season 1s sixth episode focused on Sebastians, a pizza restaurant near Burbank. Borrello, 38, was given a six-month sentence by a judge in Brooklyn federal court on Wednesday for participating in podcasts about organized crime and for associating with other criminals while doing so. Approximate amount of judgment is $284,620.43 plusinterests and costs. Ignore the haters. | All thatcertain plot piece or parcelof land, with the buildingsand improvements erected, situate, lying and beingin the Town of Babylon,County of Suffolk and Stateof New York, DISTRICT0100, SECTION 179.00,BLOCK 03.00, LOT 110.000.Approximate amount ofjudgment $466,126.49 plusinterest and costs. He is currently residing at the Brooklyn RRM (a halfway house where he and other Federal offenders receive "community-based services that will assist with their reentry needs.") I,the undersigned Refereewill sell at public auctionat the BABYLON TOWNHALL, 200 EAST SUNRISEHIGHWAY, NORTH LINDENHURST, NY 11757,on May 8, 2019 at 2:00PM,premises known as 427 S14TH STREET, LINDENHURST, NY 11757: District0103, Section 017.00, Block01.00, Lot 060.000:ALL THAT CERTAINPLOT, PIECE OR PARCELOF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THEINCORPORATED VILLAGE OF LINDENHURST,TOWN OF BABYLON,COUNTY OF SUFFOLKAND STATE OF NEWYORKPremises will be soldsubject to provisionsof filed Judgment Index# 609504/2015 OR 2018-04239. They have also lived in Coconut Creek, FL and Flushing, NY. Buddy tells Gordon that the business is up across all . CentralIslip, NY 11722, Countyof Suffolk, for on premises consumption at D.R.V.Restaurant Corp., 189GCalebs Path. Genovese associate Thomas Poli. DMCA NoticesNewspaper web site content management software and services, Copyright 2000-2023 CJ Publishers Inc. All Rights Reserved. I, theundersigned Referee willsell at public auction at theBABYLON TOWN HALL, 200 EAST SUNRISE HIGHWAY, NORTH LINDENHURST, NY 11757, on May29, 2019 at 9:00 AM, premises known as 12 WALNUTROAD, AMITYVILLE, NY11701: District 0100 Section 124.00, Block 05.00, Lot034.001:ALL THOSE CERTAINLOTS, PIECES OR PARCELS OF LAND, SITUATE,LYING AND BEING INTHE TOWN OF BABYLON, SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORKPremises will be soldsubject to provisionsof filed Judgment Index# 607368/2016. VECKANS PASTA 140 Mezze maniche alla norma - Hemmagjord pasta med tomatss, augbergine och buffelmozzarella . Approximate amount of judgment$203,279.87 plus interestand costs. Ozon Steel Wool pads zijn de ideale producten voor potten, pannen, bakvormen, barbecueroosters, aanrechtbladen, roestige tuinmeubelen en chroom. I heard they made a good chunk of change out of the sale. I Veroni 75 cl Flasche 2022 Weine zum Verkauf online auf Callmewine. Season 1's sixth episode focused on Sebastian's, a pizza restaurant near Burbank. According to Googles Street View (taken in 2011) the restaurant is closed and there is a pub now. Peter, the minority . 11730. Sorry but a lot of that wasnt true. Funeral Mass to be celebrated on Tuesday 9:30am at St . ), Gordon turned the restaurant into a steakhouse and played up its beautiful building and landscape. Pinterest. Back then Peter Pasta was an up-and-coming Bonanno associate who "earned" $15 grand a week from bookmaking. Premises will be sold subjectto provisions of filed Judgment Index # 63284/2014.For sale information, pleasevisit at or call (800)280-2832.Jonathan A. Baum, RefereeFRENKEL LAMBERTWEISS WEISMAN & GORDON LLP53 Gibson StreetBay Shore, NY 1170619-401 4/18, 25, 5/2, 9, SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF SUFFOLKDEUTSCHE BANK TRUSTCOMPANY AMERICAS,AS TRUSTEE FOR RESIDENTIAL ACCREDITLOANS, INC., MORTGAGE ASSET-BACKEDPASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-QS10, Plaintiff againstJEANINE DEJESUS AA/K/A JEANINE M. DEJESUS, et al Defendant(s).Pursuant to a Judgment ofForeclosure and Sale enteredon February 25, 2019.I, the undersigned Refereewill sell at public auction atthe front steps of the IslipTown Hall, 655 Main Street,Islip, N.Y. on the 23rd day ofMay, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. premises described as follows:All that certain plot, pieceor parcel of land, with thebuildings and improvementsthereon erected, situate, lying and being in The Townof Islip, County of Suffolkand State of New York.Said premises known as 119Woodland Drive, East Islip,N.Y. for Pltf.,100 East Old Country Rd.,Mineola, NY. It only came out later, when Gang Land News (via Cosa Nostra News) uncovered an FBI report from 2003 that said Peter "Pasta" Pellegrino had been a recently made man associated with the Bonanno crime family. The warranties ofmerchantability and fitnessare expressly disclaimed.The sale shall be conductedwithout recourse to Seller,except for breach of an express warranty containedin this Notice of Sale. 11, 18, 25, NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC AUCTION SupremeCourt of New York, SUFFOLK County. are the Defendant(s).I, the undersigned Refereewill sell at public auctionat the BABYLON TOWNHALL, 200 EAST SUNRISEHIGHWAY, NORTH LINDENHURST, NY 11757, onMay 17, 2019 at 9:30 AM,premises known as 102 7THAVE, WEST BABYLON,NY 11704: District 0100,Section 132.00, Block 03.00,Lot 037.000.ALL THAT CERTAINPLOT, PIECE OR PARCELOF LAND, WITH THEBUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREONERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THETOWN OF BABYLON,COUNTY OF SUFFOLKAND STATE OF NEWYORKPremises will be soldsubject to provisions offiled Judgment Index #062184/2013. Choose from our Take-Out menu items, Prepared Pasta Kits or Take & Bake dinners and enjoy Peter's Pasta in your own home. 1 Retail Trade Fair! Delicate on the nose with notes of juicy squeezed orange, Sanpellegrino Aranciata has a medium sweetness that is balanced with subtle bitter notes of natural orange. He is there for a WEEK! Operating at a reduced capacity and/or in accordance with provincial occupancy guidelines. . TARA M. SHEA, ET AL.,Defendant(s).Pursuant to an Order Confirming Referee Report andJudgment of Foreclosure andSale duly filed on September14, 2018, I, the undersignedReferee will sell at publicauction at the Babylon TownHall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, North Lindenhurst,NY on May 22, 2019 at 1:30p.m., premises known as25 Irving Avenue, Lindenhurst, NY 11757. SAN PELLEGRINO Limonata, Aranciata, 20 cl ALKOHOLFRI L Moretti Zero, 33 cl 80 105 45 40 40 MARCHE: VERDICCHIO, DI GINO . The armpits of the restaurants general manager (he was a ball of sweat) and the over-garnished but poor quality food. Gordon Ramsay returned as host and head chef, while season 10 winner Christina Wilson returned to serve as red team sous-chef, season seven runner-up Jason Santos joined to serve as blue team . are the Defendants. By September 17, 2021 Uncategorized. 3332 Pump Road Henrico, VA 23233. are the Defendants. Huntington,NY 11743, County of Suffolk,for on premises consumption at Pomos Dining LLC.,326 W Jericho Tpke. Previous to Peter's current city of Bellmore, NY, Peter Pellegrino lived in North Bellmore NY and Amityville NY. Melissa and Jason are also there and they seemed happy. Strumenti per la didattica inclusiva Serie diretta da Lucia Chiappetta Cajola Comitato scientifico: Antonio Calvani, Universit di Firenze; Nria Llevot Calvet, Universidad de Lleida, Lrida; Lucio Cottini, Universit di Udine; Gaetano Domenici, Universit Roma Tre; Teresa Gonzalez Aja, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Madrid; Nina Kraus, Northwestern University, Chicago; Luisa Lopez . DavidRoth, Esq., Referee.McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, LLCAttorney(s) for Plaintiff145 Huguenot Street Suite210 New Rochelle,New York 10801(914) 636-890019-399 4/18, 25, 5/2, 9, Notice of formation of Lauren Oak Doula ServicesLLC. Spam Free Its by far my favorite place to have dinner in Kamloops. Reply Delete. Premiseswill be sold subject to provisions of filed JudgmentIndex# 604682/2016.Sean Walter, Esq., RefereeShapiro, DiCaro & Barak,LLCAttorney(s) for the Plaintiff175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York14624 (877) 430-4792Dated: April 2, 201919-385 4/18, 25, 5/2, 9, SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF SUFFOLKBABYLON CITIMORTGAGE, INC.,Plaintiff -against- MARIESENAT, et al Defendant(s).Pursuant to a Judgment ofForeclosure and Sale enteredherein and dated December27, 2018, I, the undersignedReferee will sell at publicauction at the Babylon TownHall, 200 East Sunrise Highway, North Lindenhurst, NYon May 20, 2019 at 3:00 p.m.premises situate, lying andbeing at Deer Park, Townof Babylon, County of Suffolk and State of New York,bounded and described asfollows: BEGINNING at apoint on the Easterly sideof Columbo Drive, distant220.00 feet Northerly fromthe corner formed by theintersection said Easterlyside of Columbo Drive withthe Northerly side of MilanoAvenue; being a plot 100.00, feet by 100.00 feet by 100.00feet by 100.00 feet.District: 0100 Section:017.00 Block: 01.00 andLot: 064.001Said premises known as 29COLUMBO DRIVE, DEERPARK, NYApproximate amount of lien$512,038.19 plus interest &costs.Premises will be sold subjectto provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale.If the sale is set aside for anyreason, the Purchaser at thesale shall be entitled only toa return of the deposit paid.The Purchaser shall have nofurther recourse against theMortgagor, the Mortgageeor the Mortgagees attorney.Index Number 15768/2012.SCOTT LOCKWOOD,ESQ., RefereeDavid A. Gallo & Associates LLPAttorney(s) for Plaintiff99 Powerhouse Road, FirstFloor, Roslyn Heights, NY11577File# 5025.228019-402 4/18, 25, 5/2, 9, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT SUFFOLKCOUNTYMTGLQ INVESTORS, L.P.,Plaintiff againstAPRIL DAWN STEPANA/K/A APRIL D. STEPAN,et al DefendantsAttorney for Plaintiff(s)Knuckles, Komosinski &Manfro, LLP, 565 TaxterRoad, Suite 590, Elmsford,NY 10523 Attorney (s) forPlaintiff (s).Pursuant to a Judgment ofForeclosure and Sale enteredFebruary 11, 2019, I willsell at public auction to thehighest bidder at BabylonTownhall, 200 East SunriseHighway, Lindenhurst, NY11757 on May 6, 2019 at 9:30AM. All thatcertain plot piece or parcelof land, with the buildingsand improvements erected, situate, lying and beingin the Town of Babylon,County of Suffolk and Stateof New York, DISTRICT0100, SECTION 062.00,BLOCK 01.00, LOT 016.000.Approximate amount ofjudgment $625,478.18 plusinterest and costs. 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