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a president's power has largely depended on

A. D. Office of Legislative Affairs The issue of accountability is with us still. Presumably this power arises from the Commander in Chief Clause, read to convey independent substantive power to the President to direct the military on matters not related to war initiation. B. Which of the following is a formal constitutional requirement for becoming president? C. elimination of the unit rule Powers expressly granted to the president under Article II of the Constitution. E. None of these answers is correct. D. IV So construed, the Calling Forth Clause undermines the ever-more-visible arguments in favor of strong and unilateral domestic presidential war powers. D. the president's skill at balancing the demands of competing groups. 16. D. Andrew Jackson B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. A. Start your constitutional learning journey. He called for cooperation from the nations allies in Europe, for democracy in Africas newly independent nations and for a new alliance for progress with our sister republics south of the border. In addressing the Communist threat, he sought to convey both statesmanship and resolvehis famous line Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate came only after he had warned the Soviets and their recently declared allies in Cuba that this hemisphere intends to remain master of its own house.. In the ensuing unrest, four students at Kent State University in Ohio and two at Jackson State University in Mississippi were fatally shot by National Guard troops and police, respectively. This peaceful resolution strengthened both Kennedys and the publics affinity for unilateral executive control of foreign policy. An executive branch led by a single person. This dramatically undermines arguments evoking a broad and unilateral authority for the Commander in Chief in the circumstances contemplated by the Calling Forth Clause, i.e., to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.. 4. What are the benefits of a single executive? When it came to Vietnam, where he felt compelled to increase the number of U.S. military advisers from some 600 to more than 16,000 to save Saigon from a Communist takeover, Kennedy saw nothing but trouble from a land war that would bog down U.S. forces. Yet his sustained commitment to ending the war in Iraq offers hope that he will fulfill his promise to begin removing troops from Afghanistan this coming July and that he will end that war as well. B. party organizations. . The Twenty-second Amendment to the US Constitution applies term limits to the office of the president. E. manipulating the media, 41. In contrast to the Constitution, the Articles gave Congress the powers of making rules for the government and regulation of the said land and naval forces, and of directing their operations (emphasis added). Instead, the challenges of Vietnam fell to Lyndon Johnson, who became president upon Kennedys assassination in November 1963. Office of Management and Budget. Thus, as a case in point, Congress likely violated the Clause in an 1867 appropriations rider that sought to insulate Ulysses S. Grantthen the commanding general of the U.S. Armyfrom President Andrew Johnson by, among other things, requiring all orders to go through Grant (and voiding all orders that didnt); precluding Grants removal by Johnson without Senate approval; and fixing Grants headquarters in Washington (where, presumably, he would be closer to Congress). 37. B. Senate only. The president's constitutional roles, such as chief executive and commander in chief, The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session. The Executive Committee of the National Security CouncilExComm, as it became knownincluded not a single member of Congress or the judiciary, only Kennedys national security officials and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and his vice president, Lyndon Johnson. The threat of a veto has never proven to be enough to make Congress bend to the president's demands. In the Steel Seizure case, the Court rejected the Presidents argument that the Clause empowered the President to seize steel mills in the United States to support the Korean War, and in Milligan, the Court rejected the argument that the Clause allowed the President to use military commissions to try civilians in areas where civilian courts were still operating. B. foreign policy. At the end of Bushs term, his approval ratings, like Trumans, fell into the twenties. The Expanding Power of the Presidency. D. Georgia and Louisiana. E. is subordinate to the Supreme Court. D. None of the three candidates (Dean, Kerry, and Bush) accepted federal matching funds in the primaries. Still, Johnsons successor in the White House, Richard Nixon, sought as much latitude as he could manage. C. Theodore Roosevelt. E. Building a strong military for engagement in foreign wars would be a key ingredient to establishing executive authority. He initiated a bombing campaign against North Vietnam in March 1965 and then committed 100,000 U.S. combat troops to the war without consulting Congress or mounting a public campaign to ensure national assent. E. must be a Protestant. . Johnson, like his immediate predecessors, assumed that decisions about war and peace had largely become the presidents. 46. It requires hostilities to end within sixty days unless Congress extends the period. B. How many presidents have been impeached in U.S. history? Thus, as Chief Justice Chase explained in his concurring opinion in Ex parte Milligan (1866), the Commander in Chief Clause enshrines the Presidents authority not just over the command of the forces, but also over the conduct of campaigns. And as Barron and Lederman explain, more than 200 years of usage and court precedents reflect the view that the Commander in Chief Clause does confer broad substantive war powers on the President.. In the original design implemented for the first four presidential elections (1788-89, 1792, 1796, and 1800), the electors cast two ballots (but only one could go to a candidate from the elector's state), and the person who received a majority won the election. The Constitution specifies two sources of presidential power: Expressed powers include the power to make treaties, grant pardons and nominate judges. 24. After the terrorist attacks of September 2001, George W. Bush won Congressional resolutions backing the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, but both were substantial military actions that under any traditional reading of the Constitution required declarations of war. 27 febrero, 2023 . E. 4. Truman could enter the Korean conflict without having to seek Congressional approval simply by describing the deployment of U.S. troops as a police action taken in conjunction with the United Nations. 1948 B. elimination of candidate selection by primary What are the potential dangers? It really is true that foreign affairs is the only important issue for a President to handle, isnt it? he asked rhetorically. B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. Abbott appoints the presiding officers . Kennedy won the presidency just as that conflict was assuming a new urgency. 29. B. John Quincy Adams. Examples include making treaties, commanding the military, appointing Supreme Court justices, and vetoing legislation. That potential, however, went unfulfilled: after 13 days in which the two sides might have come to nuclear blows, the Soviets agreed to remove their missiles from Cuba in exchange for a guarantee that the United States would respect the islands sovereignty (and, secretly, remove U.S. missiles from Italy and Turkey). B. A president's accomplishments have largely depended on A. the margin of victory in the presidential campaign. 29. E. are not considered to be states in which there is a competitive race between candidates. Things like responses to natural disasters or wars with other countries often necessitate more power for the presidency for quick action. When he explained in a 1960 tape recording why he was running for president, he described a senators life as less satisfying than that of a chief executive, who could nullify a legislators hard-fought and possibly long-term initiative with a stroke of the pen. 38. To avoid being seen as an aggressor, Kennedy initiated a marine quarantine of Cuba, in which U.S. ships would intercept vessels suspected of delivering weapons. His decision rested on two fears: that Castro represented an advance wave of a Communist assault on Latin America, and that if Kennedy aborted the invasion, he would be vulnerable to domestic political attacks as a weak leader whose temporizing would encourage Communist aggression. Terms of Use D. all of these factors: the small policymaking role of the federal government; the sectional nature of the nation's major issues; and the U.S. government's small role in world affairs, 26. Congress is the only body with enough deliberative powers to be able to justly declare war. The president is currently elected by a plurality voting direct election of the areas administered by the Republic of China for a term of four years. B. Thomas Jefferson His decision in late 2009 to expand the war in Afghanistanalbeit with withdrawal timelinesrekindled worries about an imperial presidency. For example, multiple Presidents have claimed that the War Powers Resolution, which limits the Presidents ability to deploy troops into hostilities without Congresss approval, is unconstitutional on this ground. E. None of these answers is correct. C. mass mailing of campaign literature. Direct link to kgandes's post What's the difference bet. c. . A. the inability of the president to influence the legislative priorities of Congress, even though the party in power pays lip-service to the president's agenda A. national leadership C. office in which power is conditional, depending on whether the political support that gives force to presidential leadership exists or can be developed. In the modern era, the equivalent practice of using the presidency as a bully pulpit (Theodore Roosevelt) could best be summed up in the phrase, "________". As is well known, the Conventions draft at one point gave Congress the power to make war. 1. Second, and in contrast to the experience under the Articles of Confederation, it places such civilian superintendence in the hands of a single person. 2023 National Constitution Center. The War Powers Act was enacted in order to A. are based on very precise constitutional grants of power. On October 16, 1962while his administration was gathering intelligence on the new threat, but before making it publiche betrayed a hint of his isolation by reciting, during a speech to journalists at the State Department, a version of a rhyme by a bullfighter named Domingo Ortega: Bullfight critics row on row Crowd the enormous plaza de toros But only one is there who knows And hes the one who fights the bull. The 50th anniversary of his inauguration highlights the consequencesfor him, for his successors and for the American people. For the American President ruled by influence; and the withdrawal of consent, by Congress, by the press, by public opinion, could bring any President down. Schlesinger also quoted Theodore Roosevelt, who, as the first modern practitioner of expanded presidential power, was mindful of the dangers it posed for the countrys democratic traditions: I think it [the presidency] should be a very powerful office, TR said, and I think the president should be a very strong man who uses without hesitation every power that the position yields; but because of this fact I believe that he should be closely watched by the people [and] held to a strict accountability by them.. The honeymoon period occurs during A. work of grass-roots organizers. ________ was known as the "Great Communicator". C. Benjamin Harrison C. tax policy. 1 Which of the following is part of the Executive Office of the President? D. limit the president's war-making power. E. an increase in the number of presidential candidates per party. And yet, except as it pertains to debates over the original understanding of the Second Amendment and the authority to deploy National Guard units overseas, Congresss constitutional power to provide for the use of the militia during these three types of domestic crises has been overlooked in almost every contemporary assessment of the Presidents inherent war powers, to the point where scholars too numerous to count have accepted without qualification the argument that the President possesses at least some independent authority to use military force in domestic emergenciesassuming that such power derives, most naturally, from the Commander in Chief Clause. As a controversial 2002 government memorandum argued. 28. how has the president's power increased from the start of presidenticy? Robert Dalleks most recent book is The Lost Peace: Leadership in a Time of Horror and Hope, 1945-1953. B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. Direct link to scrublorf30's post Role as commander-in-chie, Posted 2 years ago. Council of Economic Advisers. E. Iowa, 19. What did the Supreme Court rule about executive agreements in 1937? C. III B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. The former power is carried over directly into the Constitutions list of congressional powers, but the latter is not. To be sure, it may often be difficult to draw a clear line between legislative Rules for the conduct of the military, on one hand, and executive direction of military operations on the other. The unpopular war and Johnsons political demise signaled a turn against executive dominance of foreign policy, particularly of a presidents freedom to lead the country into a foreign conflict unilaterally. Just as statutes that order the President to conduct warfare in a certain manner or for specific goals would be unconstitutional, so too are laws that seek to prevent the President from gaining the intelligence he believes necessary to prevent attacks upon the United States. D. The veto is as much a sign of presidential weakness as of strength, because it arises when Congress refuses to accept the president's ideas. Which of the following is true of the president's veto power? C. had a congressional success rate of more than 80 percent. D.whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. B. fear of impeachment. 32. B. enjoyed Republican majorities in both houses of Congress. D. House and Senate in separate proceedings. The Whig theory holds that the presidency Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchevs decision to place medium- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles in Cuba in September 1962 threatened to eliminate Americas strategic nuclear advantage over the Soviet Union and presented a psychological, if not an actual military, threat to the United States. Thus, although the Framers may well have intended the Calling Forth Clause both to cement the militias exclusive role in responding to domestic emergencies and to prevent their federalization for other purposes, the 1918 decisions largely vitiated that structural reading by concluding that the militia could also be called forth to fight in foreign wars. 22. E. are absolute powers under the Constitution. C. the U.S. government's small role in world affairs D. the president's skill at balancing the demands of competing groups. B. the sectional nature of the nation's major issues C. 1968 E. All these answers are correct. One view, principally associated with Professor John Yoo, holds that attempts by Congress to control the military contrary to the Presidents desires infringe the Commander in Chief Clause by in effect depriving the President of the full ability to give commands. Most notably, Congress has power to make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces. Nothing in the Constitution requires these Rules to be consistent with the Presidents desires (although of course the President can resist them using the veto power). A. At the same time, he unilaterally chose not to expand the conflict into Iraq, but even that assertion of power was seen as a bow to Congressional and public opposition to a wider war. (Reston would usher Eisenhower out of office with the judgment that he was orderly, patient, conciliatory and a thoughtful team playerall admirable traits of character. B. must be a resident in the United States for at least 10 years 44. A. George Washington Of course, it was the Watergate scandal that destroyed Nixons presidency. E. He cast aside the Whig theory in favor of the stewardship theory. 35. In sum, the Commander in Chief Clause gives the President the exclusive power to command the military in operations approved by Congress; it probably gives the President substantial independent power to direct military operations so long has the President does not infringe exclusive powers of Congress or other provisions of the Constitution; and it may (but may not) limit Congress power to pass statutes directing or prohibiting particular military activities. . The Constitution assigns no executive authority to the vice president. (p. 390) A president's accomplishments have largely depended on A. the margin of victory in the presidential campaign. E. the Department of Justice. D. when international conditions are stable. In particular, although Congress can make general rules regarding military conduct and can define wartime objectives, it lacks enumerated power to direct battlefield operationsa point demonstrated by examining Congresss powers under the Articles of Confederation. Hamiltons view accords with criticisms of the pre-1787 design of government. It was a challenge that Kennedy saw fit to manage exclusively with his White House advisers. D. the endorsement of the mass media. Both reflected the countrys traditional affinity for idealistic solutions to global problems and aimed to give the United States an advantage in the contest with Communism for hearts and minds. C. are not subject to check by Congress. D. It requires the president to inform Congress within one month of the reason for the military action. D. all of these factors: the small policymaking role of the federal government; the sectional nature of the nation's major issues; and the U.S. government's small role in world affairs C. 2 Congress can no more interfere with the Presidents conduct of the interrogation of enemy combatants than it can dictate strategic or tactical decisions on the battlefield. 3. C. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law, Dalton Cross Professor in Law at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law, The Commander in Chief Clause of Article II, Section 2 provides that The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States. As Justice Jackson put it in the Steel Seizure case (Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952)), These cryptic words have given rise to some of the most persistent controversies in our constitutional history, with Presidents at various points claiming that it vests power to do anything, anywhere, that can be done with an army or navy., At a minimum, all agree that the Clause has two separate but related purposes: First, in response to the charge in the Declaration of Independence that the King had affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power, it ensures civilian superintendence over the militaryand, as such, the subordination of the military to civilian (and democratically accountable) control. How may having a single executive lead to tyranny? While ExComm deliberated, concerns about domestic and international opinion were never far from Kennedys thinking. A. Andrew Johnson. Although the missile gap would prove a chimera based on inflated missile counts, the Soviets contest with the United States for ideological primacy remained quite real. Which of the following describes what political scientist Hugh Heclo calls "the illusion of presidential government"? What's the difference between formal and enumerated powers? A. guide the military in its use of force in field situations where it is impractical to seek direction from the president. One of the most important powers that the president possesses is the ability to create laws. Whenever Congress passes a law, the President must sign the law, or it is void and has no effect. E. None of these answers is correct. B. E. All these answers are correct. D. is designed to strengthen the political parties. D. lack of sufficient executive authority. Posted 2 years ago. House of Representatives only. The continuing belief that Truman had trapped the United States in an unwinnable land war in Asia by crossing the 38th Parallel in Korea, the distress at Johnsons judgment in leading the country into Vietnam, and the perception that Nixon had prolonged the war there for another four yearsa war that would cost the lives of more than 58,000 U.S. troops, more than in any foreign war save for World War IIprovoked national cynicism about presidential leadership. Direct link to Heaven's post how did Jefferson expand , Posted 2 years ago. E. the people, in a runoff election, 15. Delegated powers are those given to the president by Congress to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed," as Article II states. C. the support of the party's congressional leaders. The President has the power either to sign legislation into law or to veto bills enacted by Congress, although Congress may override a veto with a two-thirds vote of both houses. 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a president's power has largely depended on