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what to do if your dog attacks a groundhog

Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Rabies is fatal if left untreated. Lidocaine patches are fairly common in households. I suggest doing so by carefully approaching your dog using a calm voice, averting your gaze, and turning your body away from her. If you decide to take an owner to court over medical bills or the cost of your dog, having a police report on file will also help provide important evidence during your case. Watch: German Shepherd Vs. Witnesses? The contents of the website, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this site (Content) are for informational purposes only. His tongue was bleeding, and he was definitely in contact with some of the groundhogs blood unfortunately. Groundhogs will only become aggressive if they feel the need to defend themselves. Dog-on-dog attacks are happening across Melbourne more often than people think. Groundhogs are also known as woodchucks or "whistle-pigs." The familiar name woodchuck actually has nothing to do with wood, and stems from the Native American names for them: wuchak, wejack, and possibly otchek, which is a name for fishers. The 2 dogs dug into our yard into our dog kennel ( chain link on thier side with privacy fence and decking boards across the bottom, on ourside)outside. One of the most dangerous is clostridium botulinum, which is a preformed neurotoxin that can be found in dead animal carcasses. "Groundhogs do have large incisors like rodents do, so your dog stands a chance of being bitten. They are herbivorous animals and usually eat grass, leaves, and selective fruits. Usually, this only happens in cases where the owner was extremely negligent and knew their dog was aggressive but allowed another attack to happen. These rodents can weigh between 6-12 lbs, making them the same size as a small dog! Any advice on helping his recovery an of its worth trying to get reimbursed for the vet bills? They're hard to get rid of because they. If you know or suspect your dog has eaten groundhog poop and is showing signs of being ill, then it's best to call the vet. This is why we went tonthe expense of making what was supposed to be a secure kennel ( it's the length of our house). Know what to do if your dog ends up in a fight. 5. Chat With a Veterinarian For Personalized Help. Its always important to stay calm and assertive in an adrenaline-soaked stand-off. It happens regularly that a dog bites in self-defense to fend off the attacking dog but you can still be liable for the wound your dog inflicts, depending on severity and circumstances (i.e. In many cases, its advisable to report a dog attack. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. Groundhogs are known carriers of the virus, which causes flu-like symptoms that progress into delirium, hallucinations, and insomnia. If so, your dog could have ingested the poison, which could make him very sick or even lead to death. Multiple raised dirt mounds in your yard. Posted on Last updated: September 7, 2022. 2. Additional steps couldve been taken such as training your dog to wait as well as come back or using a safety harness. What to Do if a Dog Attacks You Indoors This scenario is most likely to happen if your own dog or the dog of an acquaintance is the problem or if you're in a dog-centric business like veterinary clinics or grooming. Other names for groundhogs include woodchucks, whistle-pigs and land-beavers. None. Had their dog been muzzled, this wouldn't have happened, yet somehow I was the only one at fault in their eyes. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thepupcrawl_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepupcrawl_com-medrectangle-3-0'); For the first few weeks, you have to monitor every single movement of your dog. Evaluate how much stress the attack is worth to you and if you feel like worse could happen in the future. Distract your dog from a distance. Moreover, if a groundhog bites your dog, this fatal disease can also be transmitted from the groundhogs body as these rodents are known as the carriers of rabies. It can be very disturbing if your dog gets bitten by another dog. Groundhogs are very defensive about their burrows, and trying to dig into the burrow is likely to aggravate the groundhog to attack, and they do have large front teeth that can deliver a nasty bite. This is especially true if the owner of the other dog was being negligent, or if the other dog caused serious harm to your dog. Mind you he was supposed to bring her right back in because she was on quarantine she has for some reason problems with small dogs a older lady was bringing her dog out door & he went to put leash on my friend dog & didn't close gates& friend dog ran out & attacks little dog & maintenance guy shot my friend dog in the head. These rodents carry diseases, and the diseases are mentioned below. No matter how it starts, a dog fight is a scary occurrence. Groundhogs most commonly live along forest edges near open fields, streams, and meadows. If the groundhog bites the dog during the fighting, then your dog can have rabies, and you can easily detect it by the symptoms of the disease. You'll want to keep your dog up to date on the lepto shot too if it's an issue in your area since wildlife carries this. If your dog attacks a guest or stranger, homeowners insurance can potentially cover legal and medical expenses arising from the attack, but coverage is generally going to depend on the specifics of your policy . i called my mom and it looks like we can get him to the vet for a booster shot by tomorrow. If your dog killed a groundhog, he might be at risk of getting fleas, roundworms, ticks, rabies, and tularemia, which these rodents carry. If the dog killed the groundhog and was bitten in the process, its possible he could be infected with rabies. Its also possible for dogs to pick up other diseases from eating dead animals, including food poisoning. Friend dog needed rabies shot was overdue. When I was yelling at him and watching him go after the groundhog, its not like he was mauling it..? Groundhogs are constantly looking for food to munch on, and backyards next to wooded areas are the perfect place for them to post up for three meals a day. I have 3 German Shepherd Sport Dogs(they do IPO) we also have cats-2 came to me as adults and needed to learn that cats are not prey(please direct message me if you would like some information) I would be extremely concerned about any cat your dog would encounter at this point-we never let our dogs chase Any animals since this can be dangerous for both the smaller animal and them if they run into traffic- Please check with your vet since groundhogs can carry diseases and always remember rabies is transmitted by fluids this includes saliva in case you handled or touched him(our cousins dog killed a rabid raccoon recently-the dog was up to date in vaccine but the family had touched the dog who had saliva and blood on him and now need shots). If you know that your dog is a potential risk to other dogs, there are several pieces of management that you can use to protect your dog and others. Many people respond back with its OK my dog is friendly! If you find yourself in this situation, a simple my dog isnt! usually gets the point across. Copy. You may have just stumbled upon a rescue dog who is exactly that. Face the dog and command, "back away." If the dog continues to behave aggressively, and ignoring or pacifying him is no longer working, face him and sternly command him to leave. Considering the size of a groundhog compared to that of a large bear, the odds during a bear attack is unfortunately in the bears favour. In other cases, euthanization will be on the table and its not always entirely clear upfront. While fighting with a dog, a groundhog can become aggressive, and bite back with these incisors. Theyre often spotted in backyards and parks, diving into their underground burrows to avoid confrontation with predators and other curious animals. Beau and Megs and the other boxer did not join in the attack at any point. Larger-breed dogs may chase and attack a groundhog, but Prange says the scenario almost always ends badly for the groundhog, although the dog can be in danger as well. Stay calm. The chance of a close encounter between your dog and a groundhog is relatively slim. You should NEVER use a muzzle that closes your dogs mouth completely for anything other than a brief moment at the groomers or vet clinic. Groundhog bites dog Dogs will not always deter groundhogs, however! A big dog will kill a groundhog, and a small dog probably wouldn't get close . Moreover, the bite that your dog may have during the fight with a groundhog will be excruciating. That's gross. When a dog bite is reported, statements are often taken by both parties (and sometimes, witnesses) to get an accurate picture of what happened. There are no breeds inherently predisposed to biting. Groundhogs are skilled climbers and swimmers, which helps them to escape less-skilled predators. They can even be dangerous to bigger animals like stock and smaller horses. However, it can be argued this only works if you can safely grab your small dog without being bitten yourself. Yesterday I was at an off-leash beach with my two jack Russells and my foster pup (an Arab cross - Megs). Though I actually have no recollection of what they were doing when the attack took place. No need to worry about your furry family member. The chances of a groundhog causing rabies in a dogs body are rare, but the chances are not null. Rather, aggression is a combination of genetics, upbringing, and environment. I would not give any guarentees what a Chihuahua would do. Advice on this forum is not a substitute for advice from a trained and credentialed professional. Try to avoid doing anything confrontational, such as staring her in the eye, standing over her, or invading her space. Squishy spots in your yard where the soil is very loose. Snakebites . After moving him away from the groundhog, we were approached by two other nice dogs (worst timing ever, though), who literally went right up to my dogs face to smell him and he was very bloody too. We look at the steps you should take if a dog bites your dog. Rabies can prove to be harmful to all mammals. If a groundhog feels cornered or trapped, they are most likely to attack when threatened by a larger animal like a dog. The following are some of the ways in which you can keep all the groundhogs away from your home as well as your dogs. She was outside, and the groundhog was rather territorial and chased the woman into her car. Urination or defecation. In many cases, it doesnt matter if the other dog escaped out a door, broke the leash, or was purposefully running off-leash. As mentioned earlier, groundhogs carry the plague bacteria Yersinia pestis. Unfortunately the state of WV has a 1 bite law ( humans) that gives the dogs another chance. Primarily herbivores, they will occasionally eat smaller rodents and insects. Puppy Playtime Guidelines, Road Trip! Over the last decades, they have gained in population after almost going extinct. 16) Stick your fingers down your dog's throat to discourage nipping. Continue to avoid making eye contact. If your dog was attacked by another dog, the aggressors owner should offer to pay for veterinary care and if you want to report a negligent or even intentional attack, local authorities will most likely act, depending on the severity and local law. I'm really sorry all that happened, it's a difficult situation if your dog is attacked, even more so if it's on your own property and your dog is cornered. Not sure how to resolve this issue. If you have a backyard and rodents like groundhogs move in and around it, then there is a high chance that your dog can attack it, and this can also happen when you take your dog out for a walk. Are groundhogs dangerous to dogs? You don't have to confuse the names marmots and groundhogs because to all intents and purposes groundhogs are marmots. These are rodents that have large front teeth, which are used to cause damage to wood and other materials. She screamed at me to get my other dog away, (I was trying to put Archie on the lead at the time and Beau (my 3 yo) was getting too close. Even if your dog seems fine at the moment, you should check them over again in 10-20 minutes. 1. Release the Leash Many times when dogs are being attacked by other dogs, the leash helps to keep the other dog which is being attacked in a useless position. Regardless of your dogs size, a groundhog can do some severe damage if they decide to fight back. Nothing happened. Your situation might be totally different (seniors, people with medical conditions, and so on). Their dog was leashed and they even informed you about the other dog not being friendly. If a dog is growling, snarling or baring their teeth, this is the most obvious sign of aggression and that a dog is ready to bite or attack. Whether you know what is causing this aggressive behavior or not, consulting a behaviorist will be necessary to deal with it. You can use a cage or humane trap to catch the groundhog, then release them far away from your neighborhood. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. A loud noise, such as an air horn, can startle many dogs involved in a smaller scuffle for a moment in order to get them to stop so you can intervene. The vet will need to send it off to be analyzed for rabies. I don't know for sure, but I think he hit it in the head, which did largely nothing. I ran in and tried to pry apart his jaws with my hands (risky, I know, but I was panicked and he wouldn't let Archie go). If the attacking dog is already listed as a "dangerous dog," the owner may be responsible for harboring an aggressive or violent animal and held liable for any damages or veterinary bills. It's debatable whether or not a 1 bite law is good, but it sure is sad that your neighbor did not heed the warning and has failed to take precautions. What To Do If a Dog Bites You: Steps To Take Immediately. Stay calm and assertive, call for help and give clear instructions if possible 2. If you become agitated, this may make your dog feel more worried. Fortunately, dogs will often encourage groundhogs to stay away. Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks or "whistle-pigs," are a type of mammal called a marmot, a member of the squirrel family. You can also fill the tunnels with dirt. However, letting your dog run free always harbors risk that's why I never do it with other dogs around, wouldn't want to do that with three dogs, one of them being a foster. And yes, you should be worried if your dog has killed a groundhog. Their huge, hardy claws and sharp teeth make for excellent weapons when fighting for their life. This is what I really dont understand. You can see groundhogs outside their burrows through late spring, summer, and early fall. Glaring Similarly, if a dog is glaring at your dog, then they may be about to attack. As responsible owners, its our job to be physically and mentally prepared for these situations and at least try our best. The owners have offered nothing not even remorse ( Briar couldn't get up an walk on his own without help for,48hrs +). As well as training, feeding and caring for your four-legged family member, dog ownership involves much more than handling their day to day needs . So, are groundhogs dangerous to dogs? Cougars & Mountain Lions. You can use shrubs and trees to prevent early nesters from moving in. Porcupine. Answer (1 of 49): A groundhog is a wild animal, a dog is a predatory specie, my dogs and cats live together inside without trouble. Squirrels: Though innocent looking, the damage that a squirrel can inflict may require a trip to the vet. No waiting for appointments or office hours. No one wants a groundhog around their house. These symptoms will soon develop into something more serious, and your pet will start to hallucinate, and they can also experience insomnia and delirium. A Guide to Pet-Friendly Retailers (2022). Ask a Vet Live Now My Dog Ate a Groundhog Will He Get Sick? Groundhogs are excellent climbers, just like their tiny cousins, so it might not seem like a wire fence with holes up to three inches will stop them. The local authorities will need to contact the pet owner to determine if the dog has been vaccinated. But, will they attack a dog if prompted? There's no right way to feel when one loses a dog. Do I HAVE to take him for a checkup? It's impossible to know for sure whether a woodchuck has rabies just by looking at it. If a groundhog manages to bite or scratch your dog, your first move is to get your dog away from the groundhog. Gross and ridiculous. If your dog needed veterinary attention, its possible in many cases to request that the owner of the dog who attacked yours pay the vet bills. Signs to watch out for include unsteadiness, weakness, muscle tremors, over-excitability, paddling motions of the limbs, depression, vomiting, high fever, leg stiffness, and seizures. Depending on your local law, you shouldnt count on that though, especially if you have a breed thats affected by breed-specific legislation. Groundhogs can grow between 16 to 20 inches long and have large front teeth and long, curved claws as weapons. My Dog Was Bitten By Another Dog: What Do I Do? It's essential to document everything, so take pictures of the dog and the area. Use a strong, deep, and confident commanding voice. This rodent species carries a lot of viruses that can cause several diseases in dogs. Instead, they simply deter them from staying. I figure if he could do this to a groundhog, he could do it too a cat as well. Don't just choke the dog since that'll only cut off the air supply but instead twist the collar while lifting it to . The Ides of March. If bitten by a groundhog, gently wash and disinfect the bite site. If your dog is small, place them in a wash basket or box lined with a blanket or towel. Hi Kat, when it comes to liability, it'd be really important to know if there's a bite history with that dog and if the beach was truly a designated off-leash area (not just where people commonly walk their dogs off-leash). While fighting with the groundhog, these parasites can jump onto the dogs body. So, theyre not nice, small rodents that are easily managed. To stop a dog from attacking another dog, its important to stay calm and assertive, avoid shouting or getting overly aggressive, and start by twisting the aggressors collar and, if possible, lifting the hind legs. However, they will stand their ground and confront a threat. In your duel against groundhogs, a good weapon is chicken wire. Aggression and biting. Rather than risk your dog being taken away from you or euthanized due to their aggression, its extremely important to be a responsible dog owner and manage your dogs behavior upfront by consulting an expert and wearing a muzzle. Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are aggressive animals that are hard to get rid of when they invade your property. In general, if you followed all of the leash laws, your dog is properly registered, up to date on vaccinations, and generally well-behaved you will think that youll not be found liable for a dog attack that your dog did not provoke. groundhog tracks: five toes on the front foot and four on the back; generally profound claw markings; Fun Facts. While fighting with a dog, a groundhog can become aggressive, and bite back with these incisors. Thank you for reading our article. Groundhogs are smaller in size compared to dogs. Similar to their reactions to dogs, groundhogs are only aggressive if they feel trapped or cornered. It sounds as if you've struggled quite a lot with the dog jumping up on dogs and slipping away repeatedly. Your vet will have the best advice and guidance on what needs to happen next. A police report was filed. The man was trying to get him to stop. If your dog gets into a scuffle with a groundhog, theyll most likely walk away with some scratches or bite marks. When you bring a dog into your house, you have to be more responsible from that moment. Skunk. 10. The Complete Guide to Dog Separation Anxiety, Stay calm and assertive, call for help and give clear instructions if possible, Dont kick the dogs or put yourself at high risk or otherwise encourage to bite harder, Twist the collar and/or grab the rear legs, Check your dog and exchange insurance information. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. . While thats true most of the time, it can definitely backfire. I have one dog,4 year old female unaltered female Dobe.Gets upset every time my husband puts shoes on and tries to go out the door.Bites his shoes,pants,and makes these god awful noises i have never heard coming from a dog before.Other than that,she is a perfect lady,minds perfectly,gets along great . Rabies vaccinations are usually effective for much longer than the minimum requirements. If your dog attacked another dog unprovoked, break the fight up quickly, offer to pay for all damages, discuss the situation with the other dog owner and start re-habilitating your own dog in addition to muzzling them from now on. In fall, groundhogs also eat roots, leaves, barks, and twigs of trees as plants become scarce though they prefer plants and vegetables. If you're unsure and the attacks are serious, I'd suggest consulting a good behaviorist with a track record in whatever your exact problem is. Knowing a groundhog's instincts can help you as the dog owner make predictions about how your dog might react if he sees one. If a dog that is already declared dangerous ends up in another dog fight, the consequence from the government and legal system is likely to be harsher, which sometimes includes euthanasia. Cookie Notice Severity of the symptoms will depend on how much poison your dog ate, with larger amounts leading to faster onset and more severe symptoms. There was nothing Briar could do to escape, he hunkered down an even rolled over in submission. Attach it to a stick with a string and have a friend move it around the room while you practice the "leave it" command, followed by the focus exercise. If your dog killed an infected groundhog, it is very much possible that the infection passed on to your dog. was he leashed and viciously attacked or not). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But oftentimes there have been subtle signs prior to the attack. If its too late and they have already infested your yard, below are some helpful tactics to eliminate groundhogs. Avoid kicking the attacking dog or grabbing any dog by the collar or scruff as the inflicted pain often escalates the situation, pushing the dogs to bite even harder. Connect with a verified veterinarian in minutes. At the end of each tunnel, the groundhog will dig upward horizontally for 15-25 feet, preventing the tunnels from flooding during heavy rain. Then join our exclusive club! Why Is My Adult Dog Pooping in the House Suddenly? Make sure your yard is groundhog clear before installing fencing. My Dog Died and I Feel Empty. I ended up putting her back on the lead, but she got away from me twice. The holes they dig can be hard to spot, so if your dog is running in the backyard and doesnt see one, they may catch a paw in the hole. Privacy Policy. Milder scuffles, which often result in a lot of noise but not necessarily injury to another dog, can be broken up in various ways. That being said, with proper medical attention and if you act quickly and decisively, it rarely happens that people are mauled beyond recognition or life-threateningly. You can use carrots, sweetcorn, and other food items that a groundhog eats as baits. 8. Other Groundhog-Related Risks To Your Dog. The dog must come into contact with the animals saliva or brain matter in order to become infected. When a big dog attacks a small dog, picking them up and shielding them with your arms while turning to one side (avoiding eye contact) and staying calm is the safest way to deal with this situation. Get a squeaky toy that looks like a rat or a stuffed animal that resembles the animal your dog loves to chase. 5. Is it normal for a dog to kill a groundhog? Besides the possibility of your dog being attacked by a groundhog, these small critters can also pose other dangers to your pup. Groundhogs hibernate from late fall for roughly three months, then wake up when it's still quite cold. Groundhogs can and do contract rabies and it is a concern. Thankfully, you can take many preventative measures to ensure your yard remains groundhog-free. Simple my dog is small, place them in a dogs body local law you... Several diseases in dogs stress the attack took place groundhog and was in... Could happen in the eye, standing over her, what to do if your dog attacks a groundhog treatment has just! 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what to do if your dog attacks a groundhog