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gojek organizational culture

Nadiem: In order to achieve building better bridges? Google follows the corporate culture. And you instantly saw the energy in the room whereby it wasn't just leader saying, oh, I like that. And so on. A great way to understand an organization is to ask, Why should someone work there?. Category - Community and Industry Engagement. That's it. I think that one especially, you know, coming from anyone, you know, listening who is coming from a leadership, I think it's very, very easy, um, without malice to kind of, um, think that, you know, top down either explicitly or implicitly is better. Long term success takes a lot of sacrifice in the short term. . And there's a lot of different ways to define what really matters. Kevin: But did you also know people who are totally fine with just like, hey, heads down. It's a very small, it's very small nuance, but yet critical. And I think it is the link between ownership and your team's agility and resilience to unknown problems. Move Marketing A. Some, some people we used to call it and management consultant and we used to call it KPIs. Yup. To the point of what's sustainable. I mean on a daily basis shit is hitting the fan. Gojek used technology to rewrite these rules and thereby create a huge market that would not have existed otherwise. Nadiem: yeah, when, when things are bad, you have to, yeah. "We had teams in DC, but no . Pamela Chan. 1. Yeah. Is it really like what do you get? An organization's culture defines how individuals work and function within a company, making organizational culture a crucial element of a company's ultimate success. And then suddenly like a product just like leaps in terms of just quality, uh, you know, about like a year or two years after that. Kevin: I agree. The Dynamic Culture (DC) team, headed by Sam Diah, had never encountered such an emergency. Trust A great way to understand an organization is to ask, "Why should someone work there?" For me, it's the people. Nadiem: Yeah, I get it. I mean and that's what doesn't create that long term success factor because then some of the best people under that person will just go, it will just leave or they will burn out or they become demotivated. Oh. It's very hard. WeWork Calle 26 # 92-32 in Bogota, Colombia. They're very hard at realizing value up early. I think just forcing, just saying that, hey, collaborate more without it being bottom up I think probably makes top down worse, right? We do our utmost to get this right. And so if you kind of focus too much on the what and the output here, which is just like all me, uh, then the easiest thing to do is just for, it's for me to always make it look like, you know, I'm the person who has all the ideas and the execution to my boss. Kevin: Yeah, yeah. Were dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio- economic impact for our ecosystem of users. For us, it is about distributing ownership to everyone in the team. But you know with all great things, I think we've come to two kind of conclusions. With which to decide what to be the best that because it's not just to be the best, that it's something you can leap frog, either competition or any kind of state you can be the best at something that truly matters to that end user. And how did you feel? Kevin: So I think, I think in the early stages, it's, um, in the early stages, it's, it's really easy to do a top down without feeling bad about it. However, as an organization matures, the hard part is not scaling the technology, but paying heed to culture. Right. Here's how organizational culture might have been handled in the past: The CEO commissions the Human Resources department to produce an effective company culture. That's a really good reflection of it. "Organizational culture defines a jointly shared description of an organization from within." Bruce Perron Culture is a process of "sense-making" in organizations. Nadiem: Right. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. I think also a lot of, one of the reasons why this is one is challenging is because a lot of times people, people, leaders, then might feel insecure, right? Nadiem: And why is that a bad thing? It's hard and, it's hard in any kind of fast paced industry, right? Right. It also depends on what department, what function, what rate of urgency there is. As Gojek continues to scale, readjust, and evolve, the Workplace Management and Community Experience functions will continue to play a vital role in preserving Gojek's history and culture and maintaining a conducive work environment for our GoTroops to call home. Then we're able, even leaders become, gain far greater visibility and transparency into what's happening on the ground really. Nadiem: And so the, the role of leadership there, and I think that there's a point to be made about when you're talking about building bridges and breaking walls, forcing that from a top down approach also is not very effective. And the what you know, is easy to validated are those, you know, those numbers, uh, those, uh, those media stories are easy to kind of, um, it's easy to see that, oh, that's kind of the, uh, the, the objective. The best bottom up leaders were like, hold on, let me talk to my team first. We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. Either way, it makes engagement and collaboration difficult, because nobody empathises with an ideal. It's basically another word for our target setting and goal setting. Like instead of going up, Oh Kevin, you've got this major issue with allocation in this one city, I need you to immediately pump up incentives right now by this percent so that we can hit a BCR of this percent. We got Nadiem and Kevin again, that's right on Go Figure podcast. So you need that forcing mechanism. Pamela Chan Sep 23, 2022 4 min read Culture From the East to West and back: Meet Giri Kuncoro Right. Kevin: Yeah, I think so. Um, because you Nadiem: it's so fuzzy sometimes. But, um, I think we really have to be almost obsessed with like infusing that in different parts of the company. Um, I think it's very easy to fall in love with, you know, your solutions and your ideas or the things that you know, you particularly good at or you've, what you've been doing for a while. So make those painful moves early. And the third theme is about building bridges and breaking walls within the organization, which is about alignment and communication. How well and how quickly can I do it? So when I go and say, Hey, can you do this? Yeah, very, very powerful stuff happens so you have to back it up. Hmm. But they rationalize how they're going to help achieve that metric as opposed to we set these very prescriptive targets and goals and then each then the, the groups take it on and then the sub-groups take it on. And, and there were some clear benefits to that. Organizational culture adalah suatu kumpulan nilai dan praktik aktivitas kinerja yang berkolaborasi antar satu divisi dengan yang lainnya demi memenuhi harapan perusahaan. Type 1: Clan Culture. So it's funny, it's almost the same thing. Nadiem: Well did I think, I think we've covered a lot of ground here. Just that, that little tell. So we move faster, right? Right? And this is infused in how we run meetings and cadences. Yeah. Nadiem: Debatable. Understanding and interpreting organizational culture is important, as it affects organizational development, productivity, and learning at all levels. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. Gojek is an app that providing a variety of services from payments, food delivery, transportation, and logistics. GoFood rated #1 user-friendly app during the pandemic. Kevin: Well, I think a few things, right? Because the whole point about having a sustainable long term business is having a critical mass of people who can lead. And what's really interesting about it is that all these hows have no short term payoffs. Secara parsial, Gojek juga menerapkan budaya organisasi market. Through a divisional approach, the departments are grouped by-products. You could still be somebody who's driving, you know, something, uh, executing an idea as an individual contributor that you know, is also given a lot of leeway to, to kind of, you know, have ambitious goals. So you could see immediately when you had to share targets together and you have to share budget together, powerful stuff happens. That's exactly the, the, you know, the concept of not being able to have agency or control over your thing when you know that you are capable, that's a difference. Being given that freedom to even as an individual contributor to kind of figure it out and actually deliver something great, I think is definitely the kind of people that, you know, we try and have more and more of and we just kind of people that we want to appreciate because of, through this policy. Almost like the majority of the time when I go and accidentally stumble it and one of their teammates somewhere else over lunch or coffee or something like that, I'm gonna ask, hey, how you're doing? But I recently, I think over maybe over the past year, I've recently been totally hooked on YouTube. But I really think that, you know, YouTube have such a large advantage, I think in the general video space I really don't see how they could get challenged in the near term. It can be anyone who just wants to have a sense of contribution. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. Because it's easy to say, oh, those things don't matter and it's easy. Thats one of the fastest in the world. And the third theme is really about building bridges and breaking walls. Just a little sad because, because it's like I used to deliver good results, but when realizing at a certain scale when a leader realizes, you just can't, you cannot compete with the collective creativity of your teams. Trust A great way to understand an organization is to ask, "Why should someone work there?" For me, it's the people. So we've cracked that we need to first bottom up individual. All the time. Nadiem: But it requires a huge amount of faith that it will pay off. Right. Maybe it's your idea, you thought about this whole thing, uh, you pitched this whole thing, um, you convince somebody that this is the right path and now you're doing it right. Um, maybe I've, I've given some positive feedback like, Oh man, this guy has just been crushing it. And getting feedback from people about that. And this can be a very powerful thing when combined with bottom up innovation because what truly matters to the user. Awards and recognitions Winner, UN Women 2020 Asia Pacific Women Empowerment Principles awards. Um, uh, became, it morphed into top down because in order to, in a top down into, I would say a negative way because you know, in order to be able to influence with a hundred percent certainty, like hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of people, you have to be extremely forceful, right? You want to be the best that what truly matters must be passion agnostic. What do you think is the ultimate sacrifice? Nadiem: And all these hows. Right? I have the inverse of that as the red flag. And I think these are the things that very often organizations are too lazy to invest in upfront because they don't give, there's no instant gratifications here. Like you, you need these self-driven individuals who are proactively finding the solution as opposed to simply executing it. Um, and I think that's kind of something that even today, I think us as an organization we're still grappling with. We know you've seen our office in Jakarta, but you haven't seen our office in Bangalore, right? Because they receive direct commands on what to achieve and sometimes how to achieve it. Clocks 3,600x growth in 18 months. There are very, very many good benevolent dictators in tech companies out there, right? Right? Our founding team members are all Internet and e-commerce veterans, with extensive experience from well-known Chinese, SEA & US tech companies such as Alibaba, Google, Facebook, Gojek, Lazada, etc. Ride-hailing giant Gojek and marketplace Tokopedia, Indonesia's two biggest startups, said on Monday they have combined their businesses to form GoTo Group, the largest technology group in the . Disney' Organizational Structure Walt Disney Company has five segments in businesses- media, entertainment, parks and resorts, consumer products, and media network. Hmm. And I think it's easy to kind of get into that, uh, into that mode and yeah. Like I was pretty significant percentage requirement minimum. So if what you're saying, what you're sacrificing is not painful, then I think that there's something wrong there that you should reassess again. Kevin: So what do you think then is the, in this framework, right? We've invested so much time and effort. Cool. At GO-JEK, to overcome this, we encourage regular, short term movements from one team to another. Implement. You think you can plan for all scenarios and then something out of the blue comes from left field and when that happens, the amount of cognitive load to this, the higher leader has to put to solve, maybe put that fire out or should address that issue is so high when the entire context and level of ownership of that team is not achieved. Trust is everything. Nadiem: Yeah, we can go on for hours about this. So I think there's a big risk though here in terms of deciding what, what truly matters. We've run out of time, but you know, we could go on for hours about. Theyre often reduced to a binary absolute: The Magical Team, or the Useless team. Welcome to Gojek's Bangalore office! GO FIGURE is a podcast dedicated to expose the inner workings of ambitious tech companies in the emerging world. Right? If you just kind of have to really view things from you know, a problem or customer or user first. Innovation is the sacrifice really. Like usually the, what I've realized is that the more talented a person is their level of disillusionment when they hit that kind of top down mindset without actually being able to air or voice their opinion effectively enough and guide the direction of whatever scope they're doing is even more cataclysmic for great talent. Oh yeah. And the other is a probably not doing a great job and I'm probably disappointing people, I'm probably dropping balls. Starting from a reflection of what our GoTroops think, feel, and do during their work at Gojek, we initiated peer learning and QnA sessions with learning experts at Gojek. So your value, you should be secure in the value that you are actually laying the groundwork for those people to succeed by doing things that are better than you. I guess processes if you will. And I think it's much easier for companies to ignore this fact, but if you get that right in the beginning, there's your probability of success. What makes a difference, though, is that each of us is willing to try. Test. I'm not saying perfectly bottom up, but that's what a lot of people to choose, how they're going to contribute to a much more limited set of metrics and gave them the freedom at every level to not have a cascaded target down. And that's how we grew really fast. Yeah. So just to review, that one more time. And here's where it gets really tricky. Um, that process not involving your one downs in that process is basically the first, it's like the original sin. Yeah, just can't do everything. But in the bigger scheme of things, it's not what truly matters to their end user. Right? Where do you draw the balance of this bottom up? We are here because of each other. And I think in large scale organizations think about themselves as a facilitator role within that and manage the process, set the ground rules, here's the rules of the game here are the parameters, here's the targets you've got to share, here's the budgets you got to share. 1. Review the different organizational structures most commonly used. This ownership gives everyone responsibility to put their best and gives meaning to daily work. There's people who are not confident enough in their capabilities and yeah, sure, they would like to be told what to do. Building a strong organizational culture is a long journey, one that requires exceptional focus and consistency between the various layers (from beliefs to rituals, from heroes to symbols . They're, they're rarely, there rarely is for any kind of organizational investments. Bringing them together, bringing out the best in them, and enriching your company culture in the process. Even if you're not leading a team, you need to have thought leadership. Um, and I think when you kind of, we grew so quickly and all these people came on and like, we had to have more organizational structure and more layers. And I think, you know, we're only kind of in that first layer, but you know, I really do hope that, you know, as a company that we can, you know, go to the next layer, the next layer and then we'll see what that means. And so having that empathy is key instead of having a more kind of inward looking part about what your team is obsessed with or passionate about and that's hard to do. There might be some misalignment and what teams are doing versus each other. Kevin: Yeah. Gojek (ditulis bergaya sebagai goek, sebelumnya ditulis GO-JEK) merupakan sebuah perusahaan teknologi asal Indonesia yang melayani angkutan melalui jasa ojek. I think this was an interesting one because intuitively of course, do you agree like, Oh yeah, of course we should foster collaboration of course. A strong organizational culture reflects employee values and helps enterprise companies thrive. This person's been crushing it. How would you approach like, your kind of parenting style with respect to this, right. Sometimes this is dangerous, but you know what you're good at. Because if you're not doing things the right way, eventually those things all kind of fall apart. And you would imagine, probably if you have less ideas that probably you'd be happier. And they adopted that policy around all of our markets. Like when you were at these places where you work and you just weren't listened to right. Right? If you liked it, please hit like, subscribe and follow us on social media. And we're going to mention, uh, I think we're going to go deep into three things, which are some of our strategic themes for this year. And you're beat, you're there. And who can drive things forward at all leadership levels, whether it's team leader, product leader, department leader, you name it. Creating a verbal communication ritual, uh, sharing a problem and resisting sharing the solution until all parties have spoken in your team. My name is Nadiem Makarim, CEO and founder of GOJEK Southeast Asia's first Super App. Thought leadership means actually thinking on your own two feet and being able to come up with solutions that are better than whatever your boss tells you. Over 20 products, 2 million driver partners. So you have to have targets at the top and everything has to be MC, the middle layer has to contribute to the top layer. And obviously, you know. Those issues happen. Nadiem: That's super interesting. It was just very dynamic. And I think the good sign of a bottom up leader is one that is secure in knowing that their job is to provide the platform and distill from their team, you know, the best ideas. 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gojek organizational culture